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  • Polarizers

  • Glan Taylor Polarizers

    Polarizer is a device that produces linearly polarized light from light of other states of polarization. Glan taylor polarizer consists two calcite prisms which are separated by an air space. Glan tay..

  • Glan Laser Polarizers

    Glan laser prisms is a glan taylor polarizer that is specially designed for high energy application. The side of housing are drilled two holes. The ordinary ray is reflected through an angle and exits..

  • High Transmission Glan Laser Polarizers

    High transmission Glan Laser Polarizer isspecially designed polarizer which is based on the Brewster Cut crystal and canimprove the transmission from normally 85% to 95%. This polarizer can bemade fro..

  • Glan Thompson Polarizers

    Glan thompson polarizer consists two same calcite prisms which are comented together. The extraordinary ray is transmitted, while ordinary ray is deflected and absorbed. ..

  • Glan Thompson Polarizing Beamsplitter Cubes

    These Glan Thompson polarizers have beenarranged to permit ther output of the s-polarized beam at 45 deg from thestraight through p-polarized beam. They provide high polarization purity andhigh transm..

  • Wollaston Polarizers

    Wollaston polarizer can separate an incident beam into two rays: extraordinary and ordinary ray with a deviation angle which is dependent on wavelength. Both rays are transmitted through the other sur..

  • Rochon Polarizers

    Rochon polarizer separates incident beam into ordinary ray and extrordinary ray like wollaston polarizer, but extraordinary ray is straight transmitted through, while ordinary is transmitted with a de..

  • Polarization Beam Displacer


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